I loved your game so much that i decided to spend the money to buy it again (Even though im getting a steam key for buying it before it was available on steam) since i paid for it again (essetianly meaning) if you gave me permission to give the key to my friend, you still did not lose a sale? i would understand if you said no. btw hope to see another game from you guys sometime in the future maybe after im done with college you will be expanding and i could join your awesome team of dev’s
Did you bought the game twice, a steam pre-order and from the website? Even if you didn’t, they wouldn’t lose any sale.
Yes i did beacuse i appreciate the hard work they all put into making this an awesome game, like i said in a message with Pattrick im tempted to buy a binch of copys on steam just as gifts for people that may not of heard of it or may not have the money to get this awesome game
Wait till its live a few more hours from now and purchase from steam as a gift, then no worries about any of that stuff.
well, when is it live? been waiting all night now
I bought the game twice already so my free key is technically not free