Steam code retrieval help

So about a year ago, before Game Dev Tycoon was on steam, I bought it as it is a very very good game and my perents payed for it while my mum used her email and so when the emails were sent out for the steam keys my mum didnt think anything of it and deleted it, and thats if she got it in the first place. I have the orginal one installed still but i really want to check out the mods and that is impossible with the old version’s. And this is why i’m here today on the forums as i dont know a way to recover the steam code so i can play this amazing game! And so if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated!

The only Jenekins that is a Hobo


You will need the original email. Contact

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Okay, thanks i have sent the email and now it is just the waiting game :smile:

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Heya @Hobo_Jenekins

Did Fastspring get back to you and help you resolve the issue?

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Yes thank you they replied and re sent the email