what is wrong with this sqlite command?
UPDATE ItemTable SET value = {“name”:“SilkSoft”,“cash”:9999999,“fans”:3820,“currentWeek”:348.5043134874999,“date”:“2013-04-30T17:51:39.008Z”} WHERE rowid = 277;
You need to edit the “slot_#” row (where # is the save game to edit). It’s data starts with “Version”.
Just double click the data cell and edit it directly. No need for SQL update statements.
Use SQLLiteBrowser from Sourceforge
hmmm i did byt saw no change in game
The savegame description it self is not updated by the “version” row change. The change will be visible ingame though.
Here’s how i do it.
Save game manually
Exit game completely
Open SQLliteBrowser and find that savegame (you can use the row that says something like {“name”:“Blizzard”,“cash”:2773394,“fans”:4808,“currentWeek”:224.30310210625,“date”:“2013-04-30T17:49:25.076Z”} to identify which savegame slot you saved in).
Edit the NEXT row from the one you jsut identified. It will say something like “version” in the beginning
Doubleclick the data cell and edit the “cash” parameter to whatever you want.
Apply Changes
Save database
Close database (might not be needed)
Open the game
Esc -> Load -> Select the save game you just created
Voila, infinite cash.
You can also edit your employees.
dF, tF, researchF and speedF are your likely targets. They dont directly reflect the value you will see during training.
0.9999 ~= 499 skill
1.6 ~= 800 skill
1.9 ~= 999 skill
I saw some weird behaviour during the garage parts if i set it too high. Stick with 0.9990 until you get the new office and you should be golden. For some reason i kept getting really shitty ratings on my games (like they were finished too fast).
I hope this helps
got it thanks course now i’ve been through it all but oh well lol