Hello and welcome at the topic of SoxorSoftware, we are going to create an programm that includes a lot of smaller programms we created.
Current to do list:
-Music Player
-Encryption and decryption program
-Document Wrtier
-Themed customization of the basic program
-Syntax writer
-Library searcher
-Interner Browser (possible???)
-Own Image programm
-Unpack and pack software (like winrar)
-Trash can
-Clock with all time zones and times all around the world
-Download Programm
-Music Mixing programm
-Video editing tool
-Messaging programm
-Mailing programm
-XPS Viewer
-Driver Updater (possible???)
-PDF Reader
-Burning software
-Android Emulator (possible???)
-Youtube Video downloader (all kinds of formats)
-Computer linking software (like teamviewer)
-Video Recording software
-Voice/sound recorder
-Maybe your Idea?
It would be released for Windows
I’m getting quite annoyed by your constant “send it to the programmers and take all the credit” attitude Not saying this in an offensive way. Also, why did you start on a game if you see it as a great way to expand your knowledge by creating a document writer?
I never said I had something against what you’re doing, but I do find it uneccessary to have 3 projects (actually, 28) going on at the same time. And, those winks drive me crazy.
Well, take it like this. If someone like Notch just abandoned Minecraft in its alpha to develop a god damned XPS reader I dont think he would’ve gotten much respect. Think about that.
We aren t as good and large and well known like Minecraft, although we aren t abadoning it, we are just fixing bugs and errors, and in the other time we are creating this
Im learning PHP atm, so I think I can actually code something once im done with it