Hi Greenheart and everyone who reads this. I played Game Dev Tycoon alot and finished it several times. In all the times I played, I always felt that the entire console and creating console in the game should see an improvment. Here are some of my ideas for consoles in Game Dev Tycoon:
When a new console is beieng released (not the player’s console, any console), especially in the last generation consoles, the console developers look for exclusive games for their console, and it is an important part in the console’s sellings. I think that the console developers might offer the player a special publishing deal for their console as an exclusive.
Even without developing an exclusive, I think that the player should be able to work on a game for a platform before it’s release. In the real life, studios don’t start making games for a console only after it is beieng released…
As well as the exclusives for other consoles, I think that the player should be able to look for exclusives for his own console before it is beieng released. It might as well have a chance that rumors will start about the player’s console, I think that can be really good.
Add another generation. In the last patch, you desided to go alittle to the future and add the PlaySystem 5 and the mBox Next (even though those consoles already existed in the last patch). I think that if you are already going to the future, you should go alittle further and add abother generation of consoles (Make the game 40 years). It will allowe the player to compete in the console market for longer time and add fun to the game.
Last thing - I think you should try adding more importance to the G3 convention. Right now it only give the player hype to his next game and increasing sales, but I think that the G3 should also show updates about consoles, or when the player owns a console he should be able to show some new exclusives at G3 or anything like that.
Waht do you think? I myself whould really like to see that sort of things in the game