Some random OS stats

Disclaimer: These are my OPINIONS, my personal OPINIONS, don’t kill me for my OPINIONS as its my personal OPINIONS.

I was just looking through Wikipedia for some stats for operating systems, as a twat messaged me on Steam saying that “…and even servers use Windows because Linux is too unstable. Super computers too.” lol, I’m not hating on Windows but seriously? Windows for super computers? ah well. Here’s the stats!


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Dont come and tell me that Linux is unstable or “barely used”. Your experiences with a distro like Ubuntu may be horrible because Canonical. (Yes, thats a reason) Try Debian! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think that he meant Windows computers are super computers… he meant they used super computers and windows computers. Plus, I’m pretty sure Super Computers can run on any OS anyways… it just depends on the computer of the power itself. In conclusion, your buddy needs to

Windows 7 is over 50%, XP is about 20% and 8 16%.
That’s what I remember from some site that makes those stats.

lol do you know what super-computers do? Do actions super quickly. (as example, find out what googol times googel divided by pi is) Windows uses WAY too much RAM, and is not hackable. (no, not in the hippie way) Closed source has its limitations, and no-one can deny that.