Some Feedback, because I actually adore this game

Firstly, hello all!

I can’t get enough of this game, the problem is that I don’t think it has enough time, or depth, or both. Or those 2 things are out of sync.

I feel I want to spend more time on training my team, research, contracts etc and by the time I’m getting to the point where I feel like I’m ready to make huge, awesome games, the game itself is about to end, or close to it. This sucks!

When the game ends, I play on anyway, because I want to unlock everything and keep making money.

Here are some suggestions for a sequel, or just general things I’d like to see added in future.

  • Game Dev Teams - Similar to companies like Blizzard, where they have a team for WoW, a team for Diablo etc. You should be able to create a team that makes games themselves, giving you a steady income. That you can sort of leave to maintain by themselves.

  • Specialists - I think it’s fine to have specialist roles for AI, graphic etc, but I think staff should be able to be a genre specialist. Like an adventure specialist, RPG etc. This would expand on the teams thing too, creating a specific team to make awesome franchises.

  • Game Length - I’d love it to be infinite, but with an optional goal to shoot for. Putting a time limit on the current game just puts pointless pressure on I think. I get the whole “reliving gaming history” thing but does it have to be so black and white? Food for thought.

  • Game Speed - I think it currently moves too fast. That might just be a personal preference though. Maybe have some speed options next time?

  • Locations - Just like Ubisoft Montreal etc. You should be able to expand your company to different areas of the globe. Send AI work to certain teams that are renowned for that particular thing etc.

At the end of the day, I know you’re a small company Greenheart, and these ideas may be too big or time consuming to actually consider, but the game is truly great. I just want to see it improve in future iterations.

Thanks for reading!

Hello @lebonj3,

about your first point “Game Dev Teams”: Blizzard is more a game publisher then a software house (still they develop games with their logo) so actually creating several dev teams is somewhat the role of the publisher that u use in this game to sell more.

Game Length: the game is based on a single human being (you, the Tycoon) which gives birth to the game studio. That means 35 years of unstoppable and restless work is very realistic IMHO :wink:

Locations: I agree but I fear it will require a huge effort to develop this feature and in my experience de-localization is something very hard to handle with the right profits. Long story short: maybe it should be available in a GDT 2 sequel :wink:

Hi @lebonj3,

I don’t know which operating system you are using, but have you already tried some of the expansion modules that are currently available? Since you can’t get enough (like me ;)) of the game, there are certainly some expansions that should give you again some hours of enjoying gameplay.

Just take a look at the official mod list at Official Mod List


Locations are hard to develop. Because GG needs to know the big cities and countries around the Earth. That really takes time and I say neutral.

All of Blizzard’s games are in-house.

Thanks for the feedback :smile:

I am pretty sure that the devs already have great geographic knowledge :smile: