'Small' proposition

I played lastly some ‘game dev’ games (Yes, game tycoon too), and made some things that GDT is lacking for me:

  1. It would be nice if we would be able to decide how game box would look
  2. Maybe ability to make special editions of our game?
  3. Games with expansions and DLC (Where is DLC?!) aren’t just MMO (The Sims)
  4. And something special, Grid shouldn’t be just an option. Make it something important, maybe even give it another graphic interface, not just ‘Here, have some money, but not enough to actually mean something’.
    Things like adverts etc. aren’t so important to me as things listed above. Thanks for your patience.
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The game is fun and does have a lot of room to add many more features.
The only thing this game proved is the concept is good and very entertaining.
However, as much as I do love this game, it’s just a little bit more of a mobile game. It’s not as big as other tycoon games and management mainly consists of making games, consoles and sending your employees on vacation.
I would like to see just a bigger Game Dev Tycoon in general. One with multiple game developing companies, more customization with the companies and all that good stuff.

Some stuff can and has been added by way of modding but for what I want, it pretty much would have to be a completely new game.
So just hang in there and maybe when they develop their next game dev tycoon, it might have what you asked for and hopefully much more.

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Can’t wait. Until so… i will go play some GameBiz 3.

Also by last point i mean:

  1. Option to support indie developers
  2. Things more advanced than most modders can do.

The next update of Camelot will include a new Grid interface, making it a lot more risky to invest money into it and it will also add a new gameplay aspect to the end game. :smile: