Sliders and employees strengths

Basic question, but haven’t stumbled on exactly what i"m looking for…

The 9 sliders during game development, anyone have a breakdown of what traits (design/tech) are important for each one?

Some seem obvious (‘world design’), but I keep having games not be 9-10 ratings and I find myself wondering if maybe a couple of those sliders are tricky…

Go to the wiki for the game…just not to spoil it for people.

Its ok to reply here, thats what the forums are for. Just write SPOILER and have your explanation start a few lines lower :green_heart:

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Thanks guys, as I learn more about the game it makes more sense. I’d seen that page before, but it just now started to make sense.
I was looking for an easier, simpler answer.
Really appreciate it.

Oh okay, but yeah people get angry about spoilers, even though what Charles said :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the forums are the best place to ask for help, so if someone takes the time to post here its nice when people do help them.

You can ask the OP to put (spoiler) in his thread title and again in your post when you answer and if anyone is mean to you about helping people because its a spoiler then just let me know :wink: :green_heart:

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