A friend of ours graciously offered his help in translating Game Dev Tycoon to Simplified and Traditional Chinese. We’ve officially started the translation. You can see the progress and contribute to the translation here. By default, new users can only make suggestions. If you want to become a moderator on that language then please let us know here (best by outlining your qualifications).
We will focus on Simplified Chinese first and then move on to Traditional Chinese.
I sent an email to support@greenheartgames.com earlier to show my interests of becoming a moderator of translation. I lived in Wuhan, China, for 17 years before I came to Tucson, AZ, for my computer science degree at University of Arizona. I can write in Chinese simplified, and know about Chinese traditional. Hope I can be a moderator to help you finish the translation as soon as possible. I’m sure Chinese people will like the game as much as I do.
Thanks for the interest! Please feel free to sign up at http://translate.greenheartgames.com and add suggestions to the Chinese translation. Our first moderator is away for a bit but once he’s back and reviews your suggestions we can decide on moderator status.
The game contains made-up company names (such as Ninvento, Vonny), product names (such as TES, Gameling) or character names (such as Steve O’Connell). You must use these same names. Do not change them.
Well, I only translate these names which is obviously comes from real company’s. For instance, I only translate Sonny, which is obviously comes from Sony.
Hello everyone, I am from Taiwan and just completed the game.
Unfortunately I’m poor at Simp. Chinese, but whenever the translation to Traditional Chinese is started I’m willing to help!
We are sorry for the delay, We have merged the last changes and are ready to open more languages if you are still interested?
Let us know and also if you have 2 moderators with previous experience!
Well done on completing the Simplified Chinese translation
You can now access this language pack in game from the options menu.
If you contributed to the translation and want to be mentioned in the credits please list your name here, as you wish it to appear, and mention if you were a moderator or translator
Please note this language pack is available via Steam for Windows and Mac users only at the moment.
If you would like to be mentioned in the credits please let us know by posting here. Also please let us know if you were a Moderators, Top contributors or Quality Assurance.
Hey, We did not have any requests or interest so far for a T. Chinese translation project. We would need at least 3 people with previous translation experience who have a great command of T.Chinese and English to get started. Also people would need to request and show interest in it.