I’ve been playing this game for a bit now, but I just realized that the window size is too big for me to see some important stuff. I cant get to the scroll bar on the side when im making a new game.
Even if I take fullscreen off, it wont let me resize the screen.
Heres what it looks like:
Hey, Our Current Minimum Supported Resolution is 1024x768 but higher is recommended. What resolution are you using?
Im using 1024x768. Is there no way for me to see farther to the right of the game? Thanks:)
If you play in window’d mode you can actually adjust the screen resolution manually.
This will allow you to make your screen roughly 16:9 instead of 4:3 resolution ;).
Yeah, I tried doing that. It wouldnt let me adjust the size of the screen.
Im having the same problem…
and i use the same resolution
What OS are you using? When you swap to window mode it should look like;
And with windows 7 you can do this;
The game box in the top image shows the game box in its smallest state.
even with the game in window mode still with problems…
as you can see in the right, some informations are not showing…
ow, and another thing, can some one explain me how works that " percentages " that appears ? and why some times it simply dissapear some times ?
Me too! I posted a topic on this very recently. And that % is how much your team can get done in that stage. If it’s not 100% (aka if it shows any percent at all) it won’t get done and will count against you for all uses and purposes otherwise. I suggest you just skip ticking unimportant addons for a game - EG Action games have – to — on Dialogue+Story/Quests+World Design and require more focus on Engine, AI and idb graphics?
Thanks for explain the percentages…
any news on how to solve the problem with the resolution ?
Any news on the Screen resolution issue ?
1024x768 is our minimum supported resolution but higher is recommended to be able to view all of the screen.
I just changed my monitor from 1920x1080 to 1024x768 and created 2 games. I tested both full and window modes.
While playing at 1024x768 is not ideal, it is playable which is why we set it as the minimum.
Here are my results while playing at that res;
How do you switch to window’d view? I’m playing the demo version so is it even possible. It cuts off most of the bottom of the game. I’m using winows 7. Thanks
Heya and welcome to the forums
Unfortunately we have not updated the demo yet. The ability to toggle fullscreen is only currently available in the full editions of the game.