Today I woke up to a great text message. The game I have been working on with some colleagues for the past year and a half has been Greenlit today! Bring out the expensive whiskey :D!
3 weeks and we made it. Three weeks of constantly checking the Greenlight page for updates on the game status…finally I can sleep easy, for now. Got to start that press kit and start composing a list of youtobers.
If you like action platformers be sure to check out Robo’s World: The Zarnok Fortress at and spread the word.
It all hinges on the projects we get in 2016, thus far we seem to be off to a good start, and how well we are able to launch Robo’s World. Plus I’m quietly assembling a design document for a business strategy game of our own. If things go well we do have a plan of getting some extra devs on board to help out with such projects as Tag Mod…we will see.