Ripped Game Dev Tycoon for Android available ?!

I was browsing the Android Play Store when I found this:

First I tought its a classic fake but then I gave it a try. Surprise ! It works. I checked the devs and its some weird ass name definetly not Greenheartgames. Also its filled with adds. I tought I need to report this here if its illegal. I also made a short video on it and its functions.

Is it a “stolen” port or did I miss something ?

  • Marcus

Thanks for letting us know. Yes, this is absolutely unauthorized. Not only did they clone the game but they also use most of our graphics, animations, music and sound without permission. I’ve filed a DMCA complaint with Google.

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Those cheeki lads even stole the Google Play Gamepad Symbol :,) Get em !

If GDT was advaliable for android instead for windows phone, you wouldnt have that problem :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think they had the time. Porting to Windows Phone is easier to do instead of porting to Android.

Blame Microsoft, both for making the Universal Windows Platform accessibly easier for application developers (which I find a tad idiotic for lots of reasons), and for making the worst attempt at forcing mobile distribution ever devised by mankind.

Wait, I don’t get it. Android isn’t under the control of Microsoft, right? And if Microsoft makes it easier to port a game to their Windows OS that’s good, right? If the answer on those two questions are ‘yes’ then I don’t see what’s the problem here. Android isn’t under the control of Microsoft, so I don’t see what makes Microsoft the bad guys here.

The problem is allowing PC programs on mobile splits the market, and makes it harder to manage, and it only works on windows phones (and it only works on Windows 10 systems), which nobody in their right mind would buy.

And yes, only Windows 10, not Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or any other version of Windows.

(Also, the UWP has some shady ways of getting crap done, I have lots of reasons to hate MS in general, the UWP and Windows 10 are just crap loads to add to the pile)

I’m not really that much of a phone user so I’m fine, I guess.

Lol wow! Thanks for letting them know, dude.

Why should anyone get a game, I paid for, for free ? :smiley:
To be honest “Torrents” often saved me from buying bullshit because some demos tend to lie but this “port” is just nasty because the fellow “pirate” earns money from the adds. And that’s something I can’t tolerate as a “hobby coder”.

Edit: I see the game is already down :smiley: That’s great because when I posted it only a few 1000 people downloaded it.
So it didn’t spread around that much.

Sorry for the “double post”.
I checked the GHG Staff and I have a question,
@PatrickKlug is Mr. Daniel Klug your brother ? And because Daniel is from Graz … Bist Österreicher ? :stuck_out_tongue:

As well as being a double post, it’s also slightly off-topic for this thread, but you can check out the history of GHG and the Brothers Klug here:

I read this before. But I assume both are Austrians (and Austro Australian) wich is kinda cool. Anyway this thread can be closed.

Well Rip, I tooked the last copy before it was removed lol

It should still work :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t make an .apk out of it ! :wink:

Oh someone will :wink:

Atleast it isn’t the full game. It has lots of features missing.