I recently found out that the extended years is 42 years! See the reference? Now try to find another one…
I think the journey,and other toys on the 4st level is a ester egg and the poster on 3st and 4st level
Did anybody notice the delorean car from back to the future? It’s on the first level in case you missed it.
Go back a have a look, it’s pretty well hidden.
on the 2st level have a super tes under tv
After the renovation its Nintendo 64.
have poster of M.A.R.S. on the 2st level and another poster but i cannot see that
Are those really eastereggs?
I would consider them easter eggs as they are kind of hidden. the background is not meant to be the focus of the game so most people wouldn’t notice them right away. however, they don’t count toward the achievement of course because you can’t interact with them.
I found a portal gun in the hardware lab and if you look closely and read the notes on the whiteboards it looks like the notes that the real devs might have had while making this game. I believe one of the notes says to make the pong poster animated, or something like that. also, the pong poster stays with the company from the garage to at least the first building. and the Game Dev Title Screen sometimes appears on the monitor in the hardware lab.
this game is full of tiny little things. lots of great detail in the small 2D world.
That makes sense.
if you make a game called pong in the garage when warking on the graphics the painting moves
No, I don’t see the reference.
on the start have a message of saying about you have back in the past to…BLA BLA BLA…
and have a car on the garage(your “office”?)and its a refference to back to the future
and on the same stage have a poster of pong?
Yes… That is a reference to back to the future, also the car seriously looks like a delorean.
Ahh Okami. Finally i can stop playing yo- starts playing again
have a poster of COLE PROTOCOL in the 4th level reference to HALO