Review & Suggestions

I am from a gaming website called game-debate. We published an article about your piracy battle and I decided to give the demo of Gam Dev Tycoon a try.
I fell in love immediately. I now own a full copy and I must say I am not disappointed but I do experience a lot of “Mixed Reactions”. In any case, I will be reviewing the game soon, at the website I work for.
Still, I would like to leave here my ideas and suggestions:
Well I know that releasing a game is about facing the unknown and what reviewers say about it, even more. Still, I think you should take your time explaining stuff in the Help section. By stuff I mean, what to focus more when developing Action Games, RPGs, etc. The thing is, I create a good game and then a ton of “Meh” or bad games until I can create a good one. In other words, I am not improving because I am not 100% sure of what I am doing and when it seems I finally got it, the game throws at me a 3 or a 4.
The game is quite nice and really addicting. I just wished I didn’t feel so lost and that I am never going to Master it.
BTW, the developer message thanking for the purchase was really sweet and brought a tear to my eye. Those 7.98€ (inc. Vat) became 100% worth with just those words!
I also think you should tweak the review system and make it so it points out what went wrong the most. Most bad reviews I get just say “Not bad, not good” or “Meh!” or “Waste of Money”…but why? What went wrong? I have seen stuff like wrong combinations or that I should have focused more on something but sometimes it’s just meh and meh :panda_face:

How were the further reactions?

The game has a useful review section in an IndieDB profile, every one can write his own review there and set a score. :slight_smile:

Or the game can include a special live review function, if a user has an idea or is frustrated he can write into an ingame review log which will be transferred to a central url / system, to display in game live reactions on the homepage :slight_smile: