[REQ] What we want in modding

  1. downloading addons should be in the steam workshop

  2. give us the zip for the game pictures, script, etc.

  3. ability to add more consoles without limits

  4. ability to add more console designs

  5. ability to add more researches (balance what this gives you and the time its unlocked)

  6. design your own office (just bring a background)

  7. ability to add more buttons, for example:
    locate where it is
    select what it does (update it or make more of it)
    Example 2:
    name this button “develop update” or “develop patch” in the menu
    make it a sequel but shorter, but cant change the name, topic, sliders but can add more researches,
    just make the game again but 25% less purchases

  8. add more gamemodes

  9. add more achievements

that’s it, i don’t believe these will be developed but i think 1 of these will be developed





Neat idea! If it is in the game, it will be gold, not a game. :slight_smile:



wrong category

Actually not.