[REL] Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon


I can’t even get it to go to mods at settings to disable.

it would be a BIG HELP if you can fix it. so i can get back to gaming

It’s weird that you get that error, since I dind’t change a thing in the init.CompatibiltyChecks section :confused: Are you sure you copied/pasted the code correct?

yea, after i downloaded then, copy and paste it. then enabled it.

it pops up

nice addition :smile: would it however be possible to make it so that it would find things if they not typed case sensetive?
for example when i type “tra” it would show “Transport” and not nothing

Edited typos xD

I’m not sure, I would need to check if there’s a jQuery code for that. But I agree that that would be better. :smile:

see this is what happens…

Video Link

That’s weird as ****. The problem is that I didn’t change anything to the compatibility check and I don’t know how you could get that error.

The only thing I can suggest is try downloading the mod again, because this doesn’t makes any sense.

i redownload it like 5 times. seriously enabling it gives me white screen, then exiting and coming back give me the error.

0.5.1 still works (1.0.0 doesnt)

Could you pm me with a download link that includes your mods folder? That way I can get a closer look.

@DragonMysterio, the error is fixed. I’m sorry for not believing you :frowning: But it was a really stupid mistake from me ^^

@Smeagol This is now possible, if you download it (along side the fix) you’re able to enter lower case topics and still find them :smile:

EDIT: don’t download it yet! The error is behaving really weird right now, I need to do some more test first. Sorry for the inconvenienc :frowning:

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EDIT: don’t download it yet! The error is behaving really weird right now, I need to do some more test first. Sorry for the inconvenienc

Khan… :green_heart: ? man… lol

I’m sorry man :cry: I’m just a human being! Stop pressuring me!!
(BTW I think I really have the fix now, it works for both me and @alphabit)

EDIT: @DragonMysterio, could you try and download it again? I uploaded a new version with the fix and an improvement to the search bar: now the coresponding items will be shown in a list rather then it’s original position


oh that would have been my next suggestion xD
nice work mate

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So have anyone tried if it works now?? I would love to hear if it is working or not (but I’d rather hear that it’s working ^^)

ill let you know my exp.

for me it has been working just fine before the fix too

And that’s what I meant with ‘weird behaviour’ :stuck_out_tongue:

u said u made it so that searching is now in a list and case insensetive just downloaded from github but no cahnge for me in the searchbar

Really? the lower case support was synced 1 hour ago (according to github history)
@Smeagol do you still need to enter the correct caps for it to find the topic?? And are they not displayed in a line?

it works and no problems. as of now. so watever fixes you do know and later. hopefully it will be “excellent updates”. & no more weird behaviors.