[REL] Expansion Pack for Game Dev Tycoon

Game updates. OS.

Game DLCs!


I would say the idea i had with the offices would be great to add next and if anyone wants to know what my idea was here it is.when you start a new game you get 3 starting offices to choose from these are just skins and have no attributes whatsoever.Then when you move to the lv2 office agen you’re given 3 choices but each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.For the lv3 office you are given 3 choices but its just skins and nothing else.For the lv4 office you’re given 3 choices and thay all have there own advantages and disadvantage then there is a lv5 office that is like the lv3 office and just upgrades your current office what this dose is it adds on to your current office adding on special training,more staff,increased size of the R&D department and adds R&D lab stuff.

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Very nice idea. Hardware lab staff will be also good. But hard to code.
@DzjengisKhan Is javascript hard to learn (I´m interested in this game, and i want to code some mods)

pls man
But yeah, multi-topic would be genius.

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Just noticed something really funny with the Itara Backflash. Because G3 shrinks mod console images, it looks like there is Japanese text under the logo, and Atari, (the real name,) is actually a Japanese word. Funny, ain’t it?

Computers Idea: Buy all the licences needed and let the hardware be based on the current year. It’s a little awkward seeing Windows 8.1 when the Xbox 360 hasn’t even been released. Thankfully, we have the cheat mod!

how do i actually see if its working? activated both this and the cheat mod, and none of them seem to be doing anything at all? how do i use it (and how do i use the cheat mod)

Maybe (as I suggested already before) something like DLCs to hold a game longer on the market and give it a push in sales
Or an option to develop for more than 3 platforms, because with every platform you add, the marketshare of each decreases
And of course more things to develop (and use) in the R&D would be great

Ok, now i really gotta ask.

DzjengisKhan, you needed ideas for after your “modding break”.

So i got a important request for a mod or a setting in your current mod:
Can you maybe make a mod so in the settings menu you can set the setting like,
normal bubbles mode and decreased bubbles mode or something like that,
because the reason I’m asking this is when I start making AAA or large games or have the R&D and hardware lab built
I get enourmus amounts of these tech and design bubbles.I get masive lag of this, like 0.5FPS.
I would really apreciate it.
And heres my suggestion how to make a decrease system:
normal bubbles mode: just the normal bubbles.
decreased bubbles mode: like a mode where 1 bubble is worth 25, 40 or 50 tech/design/research/hardware lab/R&D lab points and it just says the number in the bubble, I know it’s already in the game basicly but it just works sometimes and just does like 2/1 points/bubble rate.

This is just a request I don’t even know if it’s possible and if you don’t have time to do it or you can’t it’s no problem,
it’s just a suggestion because it’s really annoying ingame to play like this.

But you should decide by yourself if you wanna do it or not, I’m not tryong to rush it you should first have a modding break.

PS i like your expansion mod.

byee, Me

@DzjengisKhan I want to ask you, to translate some parts of your mod (Like Custom prices, Black etc), into german. Of cource I will credit you.

It’s better if you translate it FOR us and then we will put it available here and credit YOU! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, that’s a good idea too. :smile:

Are you going to do it? It’s nice to know that. :stuck_out_tongue:

hi i just want to say that i love this mod. now i might have some great ideas. only i think that some of these ideas will be really hard to code.

  1. maybe i’m stupid XD but can you add more own platform pictures
  2. i’m a huge fan of the virtual boy. would you add it and call it red boy (because the screen was completely red XD)
  3. i think its useless having the g3 booth and the game ranks without a game of the year competition.
  4. declare (if you want to) how many copies of the game will max be produced. maybe some wont be sold. and if you make the game really rare the price will go sky high for it.
  5. An event were you can work along with a console for a game. like the ps1 will tell you to make a game for there console only and you would get more promotion or some more info about the console
  6. make your own portibal console. thanks to this mod i can do a pc and a normal. but i would also like to create phones (maybe an upgrade needed like telephone tower) and tablets and handheld consoles.
  7. Maybe when the ps5 will be released in the game you can add 4d graphics level 1…
  8. You can choose a picture from your pc that will be the cover of your console. (maybe show up in the game history)
  9. maybe a option to put money in the release of the game. increasing the second month sells
  10. 10 but not least. (maybe once or twice a game) a worker will leave the company stealing info and setting up there own company. (like windows and apple)

so those were my 10 ideas

also i’m from the Netherlands and i could help you translate the mod to dutch. only problem is, i have no coding skills yet (wanna learn it though)

well i hope it helps.

greetz from the Netherlands, Max van Balen

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Haha. We’re (DzjengisKhan and me) dutch too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, how about adding the ability to make copies of your game and decide by yourself when the game gets off the market? And also that you can make new copies. This should include costs for the store so the game isn’t profitable anymore and you have to put it off the market, would be really cool as I’m missing that from the beginning.
And changing the price of the game while it is in stores, so if you lower the prices, sales should go high again.

Another idea: Porting games to other platforms after a release? For example you have made a 10/10/10/10 game and you want to port it to an other system, that’s not as expensive as the game and would not take that long time, but sales should be lowered because a lot of people have bought it on their platforms.

One more :D: How about deciding when your console/pc gets off the market, as the PS3 is still selling in reality. And I had a good console but then I’ve created a PC and my console got deleted.

Haha well then i don’t need to help :wink: but what do you think is possibal of the ideas i posted. I really like mash idea to.

If you ever need anything. I love to help and im willing to help. Im not a prof or anything. But still :wink:

Btw this is just a question. How long did it cost you to write this. And how long cost an update?

Keep on the great work

Haha got another horribal idea

Add Steamboat (Steam) you can put discounts on your game. And if you choosr steamboat the game will automaticly be on all pcs. Maybe add an event like a really succesfull movie was released and they want you to make the video game for it.

XD wy my brain so much ideas

Holla holla

Thank you all for the ideas!!! I really appreciate it. But as I’ve said a few days back: I’m taking a small break from modding until I have vacation (which is next week). I’m planning on picking up modding again then.

@maxieboyyy I have no idea how long I’ve been working on the entire mod, since most of the work is done with updates. And one update is smaller then the other. But the custom computers took me about 1-2 weeks to complete. And the custom prices about a week I think.

How long an update cost is varies from update to update. It depands on the stuff I want to add and if everything goes as smooth as I want :wink:

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