I continued on and it worked just fine.
@PatrickKlug thanks Patrick, I figuered I needed to do something with that and I believe it’s fixed now. I removed the folder from my mods folder and refreshed all the mods in-game. Placed it back in and started a new game with the mod on. After the first game it sold like normal again ^^ (with the default price of 7).
Thank you for confirming my assumptions Patrick!!
Can someone please confirm that the bug is fixed now?? It’s better to hear it from multiple people then just have it working for myself
Ive finally downloaded it… IM SO EXCITED
Its working good, but Ive created computer with 16GB Ram in 1980…
How did you get to the third office in 1980 in the first place
let me guss cheat mod LOL
Of course cheat mod. I just wanted to test.
loool 256GB Ram
I honestly know someone who has that
I was wondering how did You do that and, Ive found that ‘Outtels’ Procesors from i3 to i7, has techlvl 0.
Damn synchronizations xD
The version i have does contain the techLevels for i3 - i7, but let me add it to the GitHub project real quick ^^
Yup ^^ it wasn’t really a bug, I just forgot to rename something (you get that when you add like 50+ options )
Yeah, lol.
I don’t know whether this is just me or whether I’m doing something wrong but after reinstalling everything when I activate this mod and restart etc. I start a new game. Everything is fine until I release a game. For some reason it never goes on sale. A few seconds after the reviews come in I get a message saying 0 sales were made and the game is off the market.
If anyone could help me out in resolving this I would be most grateful.
There is one bug left in the custom prices. When you start a new game always set a price. You can do this by clicking on the screen while developing a game and select the Set Price option. If you don’t do this it will result in 0 sales of your game!"
Can You PLEASE Read that.
@SirEverard, @KageCoder & @cristianiannell… did you guys never learn to read? It has been mentioned in this thread for over 10 times now. How to solve it is in the actual original post? Read before you say anything about bugs please. -_-’’
Oh sorry I didn’t realize this was related to custom prices, I was looking for other keywords.
I have ideas for CPU and GPU. GPU: Ividia Geforce 8800GT, Ividia Gefroce 9800GT. CPU: Outtel Core 2 Duo, Outtel Core 2 Quad.
Unfortunately he can’t put all of them in. With the items we are limited to an amount. I think the max for it is 7 per category. For example 7 things of Ividia, then 7 things of Vindows.