Look at EA’s prices.
Good thing to know, thanks
How often do you guys plan to push updates ?
I know I’m probably not the first person to have this issue, but I was just playing GDT with both the cheat mod and the expansion pack mod so I can have some fun. I got the uncaught error during the second office. I couldn’t do anything no matter where I clicked on the screen and I also don’t know if the issue is caused by both mods running at the same time or bcuz of a coding error. What should I do to fix this error or make it so the game works correctly with the mods again.
Restart your Game Dev Tycoon, save first. Then load up your save file again and this will not happen again. Make sure you have the latest version too!
Best mod!
Thank you so much. ^^
@LineLiar I restarted the game and made sure that I had the most up-to-date version of the expansion mod and I do, however I loaded up my save where I left off and the error still occured.
Edit: I was also wondering how many mods can you run at one time (just being curious)
When ever you are using a new mod you need to start a new save. This also is needed for a new version of a mod.
@William DzjengisKhan sead you don’t need to start a new game when you update a mod but you do need to start a new save when the mod adds a new platform.
The newest version included a console, therefore you have to start a new save and your old saves will not work with this version and up.
Guys, the Devs have said that they will be releasing updates less often, but with more content included. Hopefully this will allow you guys to get some play time before the next update.
I know, but lol
I agree with @Tyler_Moore, EB Games (Australia) sells new releases for $120
I also think that the amount of fans has an effect on whether higher prices work or not. Big W for example sells new releases for $60 because they sell a ton of other items as well, whereas EB Games sells new releases for $120 because there whole store is about games. In general, the higher the fans the higher success your games will obtain at higher prices.
I had the new version before i started over and the save is new, but I’m still not understanding how I got the error.
It’s not a common error. I fear I can not help you anymore.
There will probably be a lot of companies selling 100/120 dollar games. First we had 80 dollars as limit but to balance the Price Modification we made the limit 60 dollars. @Tyler_Moore
i had this problem, i fixed it by reinstalling the mod
It might have been caused because of an old version then, and then you got the up-to-date version where the bug is fixed. Although Sean says he has the latest version:grey_question: