Add the vena venus (sega saturn)
change the sprite for gameling over time (gameling color/ advance)
change the PPS sprite to PPS vita over time
enable use of addons (create games for vena 32X or vena CD) or TES 64 DD
I will edit if i come up with more ideas
change the GS sprite to the 3GS
add the turbographics series
Neo Geo!
More options for grid
multi-platform releases
more custom console variations (portable consoles, 2 consoles on the market at once, etc.)
more options for hardware lab
more options for R&D
Atari (5200, 78000, jaguar)
more variety for custom consoles (choose number of bits 8, 16, 32,64,128 and maybe choose media like cartridges or CD’s or DVD’s and Blu Ray’s, editing controllers, choosing if wired or not)
choose alternate history (e.g Vonnys PlaySystem has flopped while the Ninvento 64 has taken over the market)
add the apple II and macintosh (both considered a great gaming PC for both their times)
virtual boy?