Random Thoughts: The official spam thread

This is random thoughts, let’s stop the predictability…


Discuss… Discourse

Curse… Cuss…

Discuss - Discurse
Discurse -> Discourse because it’s a course of dialog…

Something confirmed.

WARNING: I’m not responsible for any stupidity

So you do like nekos then :smiley:

I like their asses. And boobs :smile_cat: .

Dont take my name in vain

time for mass replies

no u r reptile

no u r reptile

no u r bruhvain



bet it’s an anime where they meow hard enough.

More replies than views? wtf…

You were supposed to click it…
It’s a visual novel on Steam.
The best visual novel on Steam.

Fetish-nati confirmed.

EDIT: I’m also presuming it means Neko Parade or Neko Paradise or something.

it means cat girl paradise in Japanese
incoming @Haxor Neko level 69

@Haxor annoying you all the time? Blow it up!

I was gone for 5 hours, can someone tell me what happened in a nutshell?

This is random thoughts… It’s 100% spam, so we can’t… But @Haxor has been @Haxor-ingly annoying us and @Haxor-ing around.

Thanks @Individual :slight_smile:

If you want to know more, he was talking about nekos all mother****ing day.

What are nekos?

Cats, Catgirls, or even Cat spirits(Nekomatas).

In short: anything that has to do with cats. Even crack, I think…

I only like the cats
