Question for developer! :D

Hey dev I think your game is amazing iv’e watched play throughs on youtube, and I went to buy it but it said error, I was like uhhh what? It turns out my pre paid card only has 7.51 on it so yea, and i’m too young to have a credit card or anything, I planed on making a play through on youtube so I was wondering if I could get it for 7.51. I under stand if you say no, I know you need money to keep developing. Speaking of, nice idea with the pirate version haha :P.

Just no.

If they get you a discount (and be it as little as 2 cents) everyone who already have bought the game will jump the gun and want (not request!) a post-purchase-discount.
And plus everyone not having the game yet will want (and again not request!) a discount themselves.

Get a Paypal account and ‘lie’ about your age there. They don’t care about how old you are, ‘only’ that their money lands on their account.

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Since you have a pre-paid card, the best course of action would actually be to ask whoever pre-pays it for you to add the extra few cents. I’m sure they would be happy if you explained the full story to them.

However, we cannot condone lying to PayPal (nor to any other company for that matter), for various reasons, not least of which is that it could easily come back to bite you in the future, and we do not wish to be part of the blame game for telling you to do so.

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