I was wondering if it was possible to store the code of a mod on my hard-drive and have the mod code to read it or something. or store the mod code in a cloud. would this be possible?
i guessed that, just that i don’t want people to be code peeking when i make it.
If you don’t want other people to be able to understand your code, you should obfuscate your code. That should work for you
beautifiers undo that though
Not if you do it right, there are really good obfuscaters out there.
try this one: http://javascriptobfuscator.com/
literally just went to that website on Google 0_o
I know That’s were i found it haha
For the texture pack I’m guessing?
Not to pop your bubble or anything… but changing the backdrop is like 3 lines of code
But Still @DzjengisKhan is right, obfuscation is the way to go, and thats the site to use
@kristof1104 you haven’t popped my bubble, I’m working on allot more OUTSIDE of game dev tycoon. but I’m going to make a bigger mod pack as-well
If you don’t want people to look at your code when you’re still developing it, but still want it uploaded somewhere, can’t you just use an uploading website like Dropbox or even mediafire and not publish the link anywhere?
@Pastract it isn’t that why i want to store it in a cloud, as i said i am making something that is nothing to do with game dev tycoon
You could still upload it to Dropbox or Pastebin so that you will have your code or whatever you’re doing (I’m assuming it’s something to do with coding, judging from the thread title) online and you can access it any time you want (unless the service is down, of course)