Hi there, I am trying to make a mod for GDT and am using Ultimate Mod Editor (UME) to do so. I have no experience in javascript before this. I really only have two questions, and I was wondering if anyone who has used Ultimate Mod Editor before could answer them. OK, so my questions are:
How do you add a genre? (Not topic, genre)
How do you edit something already coded into the game using a mod? (Ex: Changing the name of an already existing console [Even more Ex: Changing the Playsystem 2 to be named Playsystem 2.0])
That is all. Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer these.
Adding a genre is not possible, and you cannot edit something that already exists in the game.
I might be able to understand the fact you can’t edit something already programmed in the game, but come on. People have made entirely new mechanics of the game, (Ex: Building your own PC) surely there is a way to make a new genre.
Maybe you should request the ability to add genres? Ask @alphabit or @SirEverard, they are great with mods.
Adding genres will make your mod incompatible with most of the mods. All the other mods that consist out of topics (or more) will not have that genre build-in within their topics. That means you can’t load any more mods than yours and beside that the others will crash. Not a good idea to add genres really.
Honestly, I didn’t want to use any other mods then my own. I also wasn’t planning on sharing my mod online, just with a couple of friends. And if they were to add the ability to make new genres, I’m positive someone smarter than I will come up with a solution to the “incompatible mods” problem.
Edit: I think I just found something, I’m OK now.