I’m trying to create a random event, but whenever I test it, it constantly activates the event. Here’s the code:
var randomCrashLevel1 = {
id: "F413351E-2108-4967-A989-A7E98D4DEFA5",
isRandom: true,
maxTriggers: 2,
trigger: function (company) {
return company.currentLevel == 1 && company.isGameProgressBetween(0.2,0.9);
getNotification: function (company) {
company.adjustCash(-(750 + 500 * company.getRandom()), "restoring code");
return new Notification({
header: "Computer Crash".localize(),
text: "Uh oh! Your computer has crashed! You will have to pay to restore the code!".localize()
Whats wrong with it? Also would there be a way to reset the max triggers every time a game is created?
Edit: To reset the trigger count every time a new game is created, you have to hack the “UI.closeGameDefinition” method (or another method that is called upon starting development of a new game). I haven’t tested this code, but it might work. Put it in the same function you put the random event code.
var oriCloseGameDef = UI.closeGameDefinition; //store original function to a variable
var myCloseGameDef = function()
oriCloseGameDef(); //perform original code by calling the variable we set
GameManager.company.eventTriggerCounts[“F413351E-2108-4967-A989-A7E98D4DEFA5”] = 0; //reset counter for the event by its ID
UI.closeGameDefinition = myCloseGameDef; //replace original function
I believe having to reset “maxTriggers” is a bug and hopefully will be patched soon
This behavior should only be apparent when you start a new game whilst already playing a game.
The API on “isRandomEvent” seemed to be incorrectly documented. This has been corrected though
@Darkly@SirEverard Thanks I’ll have to wait until thursday or Friday to test it out because I’m on vacation. Through the use of custom menus could I make it where you randomly have the choice to increase backup or data protection? And then instead of using the company level use a software protection level. Sorry typing uh is on an ipad so there’ll be spelling and gammar mistakes.