How can i have my mod acquire a complete list of all platforms and/or topics, ideally with some indication of where they came(like what mod added them or that they’re part of the base game)?
This is an array of all platform objects. There is no way to tell where they came from.
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So, while I’m sure you’re a nice guy SMARTASS comments are not really necessary nor appreciated
While theoretically possible, it would be a logistical nightmare since not EVERY mod on the internet is linked to this forum. And would also be pretty useless listing what mods add when i don’t even have them installed.
Actually I have done this with a few mods and the base game already, though it is a pain in the but and it would be nice to have it listed in game.
I never asked nor will I ask for anyone to do ALL the work, all i asked for was if there was a way to GET the list. I still need to take that data and make it so that it is presented in a useable fashion within the game.
If we’re going to refer to arbitrary/imaginary things/objects I think I’d rather pretend to be a Jedi and use the FORCE.
Sorry while that may be your method, It ain’t mine.
Thanks, I’ll look into that. I assume that topics are similar? like “Topics.allTopics”?
nope, it’s actually just Topics.topics
And if you want to know: all the researches are stored in Reserach.getAllItems()
. Just in case
The only thing I could think about, is that you can distinguish between in-game (default) and external topics / platforms. Getting the info from which mod they come, would involve some sort of registration or flagging from the mod side. Unfortunately this is not possible out-of-the box.
Basically if a common library would be involved that would collect and/or handle adding topics and platforms (i.e. like UltimateLib, which doesn’t do that job atm), it could provide some sort of information about it. But then, this would assume that a mod uses such a lib.
So you’re stuck on getting that info and could only distinguish between in-game or external.
Yeah I was just hoping…
Holy crap, i was just joking.
No need to be all angry.
Dammit i blew it again.
Okay, sorry, dagnabit, i made you angry because of my *supposed *idiocy.