[QUES] Listing ALL platforms/Topics

How can i have my mod acquire a complete list of all platforms and/or topics, ideally with some indication of where they came(like what mod added them or that they’re part of the base game)?

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This is an array of all platform objects. There is no way to tell where they came from.

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So, while I’m sure you’re a nice guy SMARTASS comments are not really necessary nor appreciated

  1. While theoretically possible, it would be a logistical nightmare since not EVERY mod on the internet is linked to this forum. And would also be pretty useless listing what mods add when i don’t even have them installed.

  2. Actually I have done this with a few mods and the base game already, though it is a pain in the but and it would be nice to have it listed in game.

  3. I never asked nor will I ask for anyone to do ALL the work, all i asked for was if there was a way to GET the list. I still need to take that data and make it so that it is presented in a useable fashion within the game.

  4. If we’re going to refer to arbitrary/imaginary things/objects I think I’d rather pretend to be a Jedi and use the FORCE.

  5. Sorry while that may be your method, It ain’t mine.

Thanks, I’ll look into that. I assume that topics are similar? like “Topics.allTopics”?

nope, it’s actually just Topics.topics ^^
And if you want to know: all the researches are stored in Reserach.getAllItems(). Just in case :smile:

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The only thing I could think about, is that you can distinguish between in-game (default) and external topics / platforms. Getting the info from which mod they come, would involve some sort of registration or flagging from the mod side. Unfortunately this is not possible out-of-the box.

Basically if a common library would be involved that would collect and/or handle adding topics and platforms (i.e. like UltimateLib, which doesn’t do that job atm), it could provide some sort of information about it. But then, this would assume that a mod uses such a lib.

So you’re stuck on getting that info and could only distinguish between in-game or external.

Yeah I was just hoping… :smile:

Holy crap, i was just joking.
No need to be all angry.

Dammit i blew it again.
Okay, sorry, dagnabit, i made you angry because of my *supposed *idiocy.