Hi, I’m pretty new here and I have researched enough to make a working mod that adds new platforms/consoles to the game, but I’d like to also edit the existing ones without editing the core files of the game. To that end my researched came up with this from the Advanced Modding part of the Modding API’s wiki:
var originalMethod = GDT.foo;
var bar = function(){
//add your custom code
originalMethod();//if appropriate, call the original logic
GDT.foo = bar;//assign your custom method over the original.
The problem is that I have no prior experience in java scripting and my attempts at trial-and-error have been fruitless. My searches for more explanations on this have equally been in vain.
In short, how do I use that code to modify the stats of an existing platform/console?
The technique you refer to described under advanced modding is used to change or amend the behavior of an existing method. What you are trying to do is to change the data (configuration) of an object.
To do this you can simply override specific data with what you want.
//enumerate through existing platforms
for (var i=0;i<Platforms.allPlatforms.length;i++){
var platform = Platforms.allPlatforms[i];
//find target by id
if (platform.id == 'G64'){
//change data
platform.licencePrize = 10000;
enumerate platforms
find target by id (do not search by name, otherwise your code will not work with translated versions of the game)
change data
You will need to look at the original code to see what id and what data to change.
Hi, thanks for your reply however I can’t seem to make it work. Here is what I placed in my script just to test it:
for (var i=0;i<Platforms.allPlatforms.length;i++){
var platform = Platforms.allPlatforms[i];
if (platform.id == 'PC'){
platform.licencePrize = 10000;
platform.developmentCosts: 20000;
When going in game there is actually no change to the default values of the PC, it’s still free to start making games for it and development costs are still 5000 per game.
Sorry about that… It confuses me how syntax in the main files is different from the syntax in the mod script. For example in the main files you have " " but in the mod it’s ’ ’
Anyways, my problem has been solved, thank you both for your help.
Now I will do some more research on other subjects, like the possibility of adding categories (I feel some are not well represented in the generalization used) and if it’s possible to include the manufacturer name in the platform choice window… example:
Does this work with events as well? I haven’t been able to make it work with either the original hijack method I first mentioned or with this new method because I have no idea what the terms would be.