[Ques] Console img from my mod dont load

Here the Code:
(function () {
var ConyBlack = GDT.getRelativePath() + ‘/Researchable elements/img/ConyBlack.png’;
id : ‘ConyBlack’,
name : ‘ConyBlack’,
company : ‘Cony’,
startAmount : 0.15,
unitsSold : 7.985,
licencePrize : 100000,
published : ‘1/3/4’,
platformRetireDate : ‘35/8/1’,
developmentCosts : 10000,
genreWeightings : [1, 1, 0.7, 1, 1, 0.7],
audienceWeightings : [1, 1, 0.8],
techLevel : 5,
iconUri : ConyBlack,
events : [{
id : ‘10357DA1-18F1-4C39-8214-F143521933BF’,
date : ‘1/2/1’,
getNotification : function (company) {
return new Notification({
header : “Industry News”.localize(),
text : “Coming out of nowhere a company called Cony has announced that it will publish a new game console called the Cony Black {0}.”.localize().format(General.getETADescription(‘1/2/1’, ‘1/3/4’)),
image : ConyBlack
}) ();

GDT.getRelativePath() relates to the directory of the file the code is being run from, so it’s probably trying to load the image from the wrong directory.

ok, I have try the mod without GDT.getRelativePath() but the img don’t load!

You need GDT.getRelativePath()
Byt GDT.getRelativePath() points to the location of the file being run so say your code is being run from modname/code/code1.js, but the image was stored in modname/images/image1.png you would need to use …/images/image1.png

If you don’t understand just send me the mod and I’ll get it working for you.

here the download link for my mod

Umm, it says I can’t download it due to a DMCA takedown request…

mediafire had a problem with the name of the zip archive here the new Download:

It seems your mod has a few more issues than not loading the image
By that, I mean you don’t have a Main.js and the ConyBlack seems overpowered as hell, and the fact that the image for it just looks like a picture of some Sony Xperia straight from Google

I have no idea what should I do now.
i have all my “programmingskills” for GDT from the GDTmoddingAPI and i see nothing about this. :frowning:

Let’s move this over to a DM, I’ll explain over there.

I have a question, what is a DM, sorry but my mother leanguege is German and i dont understand this abbreviation.
and i Update the downloadlink, I have now a Main.js and adapted everything but the Img from my mod don’t load.

It’s short for Direct Message, it’s like a private chat

Oh ok