[QUE] What is the correct mod format?

I am trying to make a mod, but I am not sure exactly what to put inside the main .js file. I have the .json file setup but I don’t know what the correct format is for the .js.

This is in the modsModScript.js (The main script). All I have in the ModsMod folder is the .json and the .js.

	id: "Sandbox", 
	name: "Sandbox".localize("game topic"), 
	genreWeightings: [0.7, 1, 1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7], 
	audienceWeightings: [0.9, 1, 0.9] 


A mod usually consists out of 3 steps :

  • you have the source code : this is were you add topics /events /platforms. This is one script
    -you have the loader : this is were can you ‘load’ the individual parts of your mod. This is also a script.
  • last you have the modConfig.js file: this is were you implement the mod in the game.

If this is a bit unclear I suggest that you look at the mod of someone else, then it will make sense I hope