[QUE] Please help, PLEASE

PLEASE tell me the codes to change in order to make a custom platform
I’m just stupid to never understand what to change

Please just tell me what to change in order to do!


  Examples.addPlatform = function () {
            var icon = './mods/gdt-modAPI/examples/img/greenheartOne.png';
                            id: 'Greenheart One',
                            name: 'Greenheart One',
                            company: 'Greenheart Games',
                            startAmount: 0.15,
                            unitsSold: 0.358,
                            licencePrize: 5000,
                            published: '1/3/4',
                            platformRetireDate: '4/6/2',
                            developmentCosts: 10000,
                            genreWeightings: [0.9, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 0.7],
                            audienceWeightings: [0.9, 1, 0.8],
                            techLevel: 1,
                            iconUri: icon,
                            events: [

var icon is where you’d put the route to the image for the platform
id: ‘Greenheart One’,
name: ‘Greenheart One’,
company: ‘Greenheart Games’,

That is the id of the platform, name of the platform, and the company that had made the platform.

published: ‘1/3/4’,
platformRetireDate: ‘4/6/2’,
developmentCosts: 10000,
genreWeightings: [0.9, 1, 1, 0.9, 1,

Published is the date of release in the game. platformRetireDate is when the platform goes off the market.

developmentCosts is the cost for the license
genreWeightings are the match for a genre.

techLevel is well, the level of tech.

That’s what I can explain, but I don’t fully understand all of the rest of the code yet.

thanks you soooo much

there’s also a wiki page on that:

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