[QUE] Not working, creating null id error in game

First off this is just to figure this stuff out.

I took the example and edited it to what I thought would work, and its breaking my game.
I do not take credit for any of this just trying to figure it out.

DT.addEvent = function () {

var eventId = "F413351X-2108-4967-A989-A7E98D4DEED5";//Has to be globally unique

	var myRandomEvent = {
		id: eventId,
		isRandom: false, // For testing
		maxTriggers: 1,
		trigger: function (company) {
			//Happens right away.
			//I understand the use isGameProgressBetween
			return company.currentLevel == 1 && company.isGameProgressBetween(0.2, 0.9);
		//Dynamics == getNotification
		getNotification: function (company) {
			var game = company.currentGame;

			var msg = "Your grandmother Passed away and left you 10million dollars"
			// {n} break up texts.

			//event generates cash and rp
			//instantly add cash adjustcash()  or addcash ?
			company.addcash(500 + 500 * company.getRandom());//increase hype between 5 and 15.

			return new Notification({
				sourceId: eventId,//continue on to test multiple selections
				header: "at the funeral".localize(),//text to match event
				text: msg,
				options: ["Thanks Grandma".localize(), //currently only one choice.
		complete: function (decision) {
			//decision is a number and will correspond to the index of the option that was chosen.
			//0=talk to parents, 1=ignore incident, 2=invite over
			//it's best if every decision has a different outcome (kept this here for my future reference

			var company = GameManager.company;//we fetch the company object for use later.

			if (decision === 0) {//select event 
				//The notification edited to one choice.
				var n = new Notification({
					header: "Funeral".localize(), //msg header
					text: "Thanks Grandma".localize()
				n.addCash(100000000 + 100000000 * company.getRandom()),//increase cash? correct usage?
				n.addResearchPoints(1000+4000 * company.getrandom()), //increase rp? correct usage?
				company.activeNotifications.addRange(n.split()); //since this notificaton should be shown immediately (not one second later) we insert it into activeNotifications. calling .split() ist just good practice in case we use {n} inside the notification.

it looks fine, although you need:

  1. DT.addEvent = function () { should be DT.addEventmyRandomEvent
  2. after }; at the bottom of your event code, do this line GDT.addEvent(myRandomEvent);
  3. on the line after GDT.addEvent(myRandomEvent); end the code with };