[QUE] Events executed every week

Hi, I’m trying to do a mod in which I have to implement an event that executes at the end of the week, I tried a lot of things but i can’t make it. Can someone help me?

I tried:

GDT.on(GDT.eventKeys.gameplay.weekProceeded, function(gamemanager) {
   GameManager.company.notifications.push(new Notification("News".localize(), "My custom notification".localize()))}); 

But nothing shows.

When I try to run the code in my mod it works for me:

Where and how are you executing this code?

Yes now work, I found the error, I do a mistake in the opening code of the mod. Thanks for your time.

Thanks for free code C:


but you can find the code in the wiki.

w…wh… whaaat?