[QUE] Error: could not load mod (something about API?)

Yes, that’s correct.

What are your Steam settings for the game in the “Updates” tab? (can you please post a screenshot?)
I’m particularly interested in the “Steam Cloud” settings section.

I see the issue you experiencing is to do with folder names.

Considering that the mods are required to list full path names for each js file within their “main” file unless all the code is run directly from the main file i.e. UltimateLib and Camelot, rename your mod folders as follows:

“Camelot_Latest” -> “Camelot” (although this mod may be working under any naming structure some of the images and css may not display correctly)

“GDT-Expansion-Pack-master” -> “ExpansionPack”
“InfoStatsMod_0.4.2” -> “InfoStatsMod”

The other mods are fine as is.


aplhabit, I don’t think it’s really needed anymore, as SirEverard just solved my problem!

I had a feeling it was something relatively simple - renaming the folders seems to have got everything working perfectly! Thank you so much for your help!


Hi! i have the same problem, tried to renaming folders, tried to uncheck all mods except modapi and ultimatelib, and ive read about 5 forum posts, still get the “could not load script…” error.

just make a new darn thread for that
necrobumping is quite annoying…

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If it didn’t, it could be because of (OneDrive), Create a folder on disk C, with the name (Games or whatever you want) and put the game in that folder, so that onedrive doesn’t create a broken backup of the game missing files.

ps: Sorry for My Bad English.