[QUE] Equally FICTIONAL replacement console names

I repeat: Equally fictional.

I would like to change the names of the base game consoles, because the names sound a bit weird to me and not very original. But time and time again topics asking to give them real names have been closed, and I understand why.

So my question is… If I want to change names like “Micronoft MBox” and “Ninvento TES” to different fictional names like “MicroDyne X-Cube” and “Ninjato Entertainment Device (NED)”, how could I go about doing it?

Once again, JUST TO BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, none of the consoles will use real names. Instead they will use FICTIONAL names that sound less awkward than the originals. In some cases names might even pass for a name that would be considered by a real company (BUT for whatever reason have NOT been trademarked or otherwise used) instead of merely being a parody with one or two letters changed.

IF the EULA says that I can not distribute such a change then I won’t. But even personal use would be nice.

Now, can I get some help, or is this topic going to be derided despite the fact I have clearly stated I have no intention of breaking any laws or rules?

no problem at all in doing this. just follow the same techniques as shown in:


The properties you want to change are name and company. You can run through Platforms.allPlatforms to see the entire list.

Thanks for the quick response! I honestly didn’t think I’d get any assistance… Okay, so just to be sure, is “no problem at all” for personal use, or is it legally distributable?

well, if you use fictional names then that’s fine for distribution but whatever you do you are responsible for it. It’s your responsibility to do the right thing. If you want to make sure, ask a lawyer.

Using names from the real-life counterpart of consoles and companies is a special case since it’s explicitly forbidden in the Modding Agreement.

Just make sure you read and comply with the Modding Agreement.

Alright, I’ll take a look at the EULA myself.

As for the mod, I unfortunately didn’t realize just how much I will have to learn about javascript in order to create it. I’m not asking for help (although modding tutorials should be a long-term community goal IMO) but if I can’t figure it out on my own I will post the names I planned on using here and plainly state that anyone can use the names themselves for their own mod and/or make the mod as I had originally planned in my stead (in which case they have my thanks and can take full credit).

You don’t need much JS understanding. I don’t have much experience and yet I understand about 95% of it.

Then exactly how do I start creating the mod?

I’ve tried wrapping my head around it, and the only thing I figured out was how to modify the codeNw.js file (yes, I know that that isn’t what was intended, and I have no intention of releasing said modified file as per the EULA) to show different names.

I honestly don’t even know what the first steps are to create a mod, or where to look to find out.

Thank you. I thought I would need more files than that, which is why I was so confused. Two files is entirely reasonable.

EDIT: I’m currently working with the beginnings of the mod, starting with the example code from the wiki, and I can’t find any info on the wiki about “Platforms.allPlatforms”. I’ve also checked through several files in gdt-modAPI to try and find it, but in the end I have no idea what was meant by "You can run through Platforms.allPlatforms to see the entire list. Also, I feel bad for taking up so much of the developer’s time, so if any other modders see this I would appreciate the help!

This mod is officially dead, unfortunately. I have no knowledge of Javascript, and I apparently need it to pull this off. Furthermore, I have nobody I can turn to to do programming for me.

If anyone is interested, here is the list I came up with:


Govodore = Commando
Ninvento = Ninjato
Vena = Sabre
Vonny = Rady
Micronoft = MicroDyne
Grapple = Candy
KickIT = BoxIT


PC = PC (Of course.)
Govodore 64 = Commando 64
TES = NED (Ninjato Entertainment Device)
Master V = SM-2000
Gameling = Ninja Boy
Vena Gear = Game Cog
Vena Oasis = Sabre Osiris
Super TES = UNED (Ultra Ninjato Entertainment Device)
“Play System” = "Game Center"
Playsystem = GameCenter
TES 64 = Ninja 64
DreamVast = Dreamsand
Playsystem 2 = GameCenter 2
mBox = X-Cube
Game Sphere = GameBox (will require a graphic artist; the spherical gamecube is just silly)
GS = Ninjato DX
PPS = GCP (GameCenter Portable)
mBox 360 = X-Cube 1080
Nuu = Pii
Playsystem 3 = GameCenter 3
grPhone = iCell
grPad = iSlab
MPad = MicroDyne Panel
Wuu = Pii U
OYA = OVAL (will require a graphics artist)
mBox One = X-Cube Omni
Playsystem 4 = GameCenter 4
mBox Next = X-Cube Final
Playsystem 5 = GameCenter 5
Visorius = Opticus Shift

Potential New Companies

Failed Consoles = VaporWare
Google = GoGo

Potential New Platforms

Gameboy Color = Ninja Boy Color
Gameboy Advance = Ninja Boy Excell
Sega Saturn = Sabre Set
Sega Nomad = Sabre Horus
Magnavox Odyssey = (ReTRON) Magnabox
Pong = (ReTRON) Ping-Pwn
Android = Cyborg Phones

Modified Events

“Today, Candy, a company well known for their role in the early PC industry and, more recently, for their portable music player, iCandy, have announced that they will soon release a powerful new mobile phone. The phone has touch screen and sports a suprisingly powerful CPU. The integrated graphics chipset should also allow the phone to run games and, since the phone comes with its own application delivery platform, it could become a great device for mobile games. The iCell will be available early next year.” - Year 18, Month 6, Week 1

Unneeded Joke Explanations

A Commodore (as in Commodore 64) is a military rank or something, I forget. A Commando is also military related.

A “To” is a fictional sword resembling a katana, but is completely straight. Invented by 20th century hollywood, in context it was supposedly carried by ninja. Thus, Ninjato.

Also, Sabre is a type of sword which has two syllables like Sega.
“Say-ber” insert parody of blue hedgehog here

Sony’s first product was a pocket-sized Radio. Hence, Rady.

MicroDyne. As in, the company that will doom us all by creating an AI ala The Terminator (CyberDyne).

Eye Candy
"iCell like hotcakes"

I really have no idea why I decided on BoxIT. Maybe you should skip this one if you decide to pick up where I left off.