Purchased windows 7 version and want to play in windows 8

Hi all, i’ve purchased game dev tycoon directly from green heart at the beginning. Now i’m using windows 8.1, but when i download from windows store and it is just a demo version.

Is it possible to enter a product key that i have and become full version?


you just bought GDT from GhG store while using Win7, and now you have Win8.1 and want to play GDT on it?
Then you can just download the .exe again, or use Steam.


I am pretty sure that the service they use for Windows 8 is a completely different system than the PC version (which uses Fastspring). Don’t trust me on this, but i think you can’t. You better off using Steam or downloading the .exe again.

@Charlie @PatrickKlug

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Okay. Thanks bro.

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