Purchased game before making/linking Account

I’ve already bought the Game Dev Tycoon game, and am Dowloading it now. But When I purchased it over Paypal, it told me that it’d give me a confirmation, details of transaction, and later it would give me a Steam Key when made available. all through Email.

The problem is, I didn’t actually give it an email address, So unless it was sent to the email address linked to the paypal account. I have nothing linking my purchase of the game to any account of mine. No confirmation, nothing like that

Is there a way I can get in contact with a staff/admin to have my Order ID linked to a specific email address or something?

I should have made the account before I bought the game dev tycoon game, but I didn’t even see the login/register button until afterward. you’d think this would come first.

Send an email to orders@fastspring.com and tell them the email your paypal account is linked to and the email you wish the order to change to. Then they can re-send you the download links. Note that steam keys are not available yet. We will send them out closer to the release date on steam.