Problem with payment

I wanted to buy this game but I have problems with bank transfer (only possibility I have). I’m from Poland and our bank transfer options are slightly different. Invoice I got isn’t really readable for me. Is there someone from Poland who manage to buy it via bank transfer or someone who know how to help?

Please contact for order questions. They should be able to help you.

Are they part of your staff or they are from completely other company? I just don’t know what i can ask them if they are not from poland and if they know how our online banking works.

They are our payment provider (completely separate company) and they have a lot of experience with selling software all over the world. They should know about specific solutions for Polish customers.

I wanted to ask one more thing. Should I contact them via e-mail or chat? I really haven’t done anything like this ever before.

Best via email, quoting your order number (if any) and explaining your situation. Hope that they can help you.

Still no response. Anyone here have any solution?

It’s Sunday, in Europe also Holiday, maybe you should give them some more time?


PatrickKlug can you just send me which one are your bank account number, name of recipient, address of recipient (street, zip code, city) and transfer title? Because thats only problem I have with filling all the fields. I know how to do the bank transfers but in this particular situation I don’t know which one are which.

please contact about order questions. They handle the payments. We don’t have any further control over this.

That’s the point. I only got 1 response from them after that nothing for the last few days.

PatrickKlug So I have one last question: when will GDT come out on steam? It turns out that I can’t buy it via bank transfer or paypal so at least I want to know when I can buy it at steam.

OK I just read news about steam but I have other question: Is it possible to buy the game without credit card or debit card? Because when I’m trying to buy via paypal it says that I need to add credit or debit card.

Ok I just figure out what was wrong. I needed to add more money to my paypal account. Problem solved.