Problem Running GDT on Windows 10

After buying a new laptop that came with Windows 10, and installing the game on this computer through Steam, I’m unable to play the game properly. When starting a new game, and trying to create a new game, I get this error:

Any ideas what’s going on here?

Try to reïnstall gdt.

Hi Jeremy,

Sorry about this trouble!

Usually in our experience, a syntax error like the one you describe may be connected to a corrupted save file. Can you perhaps try to verify your Steam cache, and load up a new game?

Before the error message appears, press ESC and start up a new game file. After doing this, overwrite your previous save file and the error message shouldn’t appear again.

Hope this helps!

The error was appearing at the start of a new game, not a loaded save. I don’t know what happened, I didn’t change anything, but the error suddenly stopped appearing at some point, and I haven’t seen it since. Thanks for the reply.

Well, I’m glad you’re playing again, regardless! :slight_smile: