You know how Game Dev Tycoon RP died on here? Well, guess what? There’s Game Dev Tycoon RP on Plethora Studios! There are actually two versions, one tntey’s and one mine. Don’t worry it isn’t hard to understand or do. We’re just lacking some community support, and we’d love to have you come be a member of the plethora family. It hopefully isn’t gonna turn out like Game Dev Tycoon RIP.
DAMN THAT WAS QUICK XD. And dat link, wonder who made it…
Wait, you’re advertising Game Dev Tycoon on a site solely devoted to Game Dev Tycoon, with Game Dev Tycoon followers on it, but the Game Dev Tycoon-ers didnt know that there were another Game Dev Tycoon, but there is, on plethora, but- WHAT IS THIS!!!??
You really have to specify with Role Plays. You didnt say “roleplay” so you said [quote=“Cazran, post:1, topic:12437”]
You know how Game Dev Tycoon died on here?
That’s stupid.
You really have to specify
Also why is it on gaming?
It is a roleplay, right? You just said “Game Dev Tycoon” and not specify about the Roleplaying part.
Well there isn’t a Roleplay category… and if there was, it’d be easier to understand it.
i just said you didnt write “RP” that’s it!
Thank goodness you understood, otherwise we are all over the flame wars history book. :\
Can you both just shut u-argh… we get it now.
I don’t get it. XD, I joke.
but seriously, you ppl haven’t RPed on GCT yet. Go do it!
I honestly think that… oo- oo- oh yeah there comes charlie with her deletion hammer of impeccable doom. This is just an advertisement after all XD
Yip! I will leave this in place but locked. But as not to encourage a real version of the convo you just had this thread will be closed. Also, If we get a trend on people advertising RP we will start deleting these threads.