Please can you give me a few game ideas for the PS4

Any games for the PS4 that are free.

I’m sorta stuck with games like GTA V and Batman Arkham Knight so please give me some suggestions.


As far as free games, that depends. Do you have Playstation Plus? If so, you get free games each month (psst, Super Meat Boy is available at the moment, highly recommended). If not, Warframe is free, as is DC Universe Online and Loadout, however I’d say DCUO isn’t worth getting, cause it’s kinda junky and looks like a 360 game with Vaseline on the screen.

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Don’t play the PS4 if you want free games. Unless youhave PS+, then.

-10 category points
I don’t own a PS4 so I don’t know.

good luck

Maybe the internet browser has flash plug-in then you can play some flash games

I do have PlayStation Plus.

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