Well… I think as a Indie Developer, in the beginning of the game it would be really odd if you had to deal with piracy. I don’t think Indie Developers have much piracy… unless you publish it as a torrent yourself… UGH UGH DANIEL EN PATRICK UGH UGH… Well, at least… it would be a more realistic thing but I don’t think it’s… it’s… a good idea to add. It would make it much more difficult and IF there was DRM you probably have to implement sales decreases because of the DRM… if you want it to be realistic. Wouldn’t be a good idea on my part, but a realistic idea would it be… for sure!
Yeah but what if you have a slider at the start of the game to set it in a mode like:
No piracy
Little piracy (5% loss)
Realistic piracy (15% loss)
I think a great idea would be adding a stat for your released games getting pirated. Then maybe you can release DRM and then you get feedback on how your current game is progressing from the fans, whether it needs bug reports or whatever.