Paying Reviewers

Why Cant you Pay Reviewer to give you good Reviews, Most if not All Big Game Companies do This
so why ist not in the game XD.

But then the game would be much easier.

It’s kind of a good idea. It could play along with the offer from “Agent Blowfish.” It would be interesting to see if Patrick does something about this. :green_heart:

Last time I checked my company in-game wasn’t called EA or Activision

Why do you think publisher titles sell so many more copies than self-published games?

I would imagine the publisher has a few review sites they pay to proclaim “Game of the Year” for everything you make… while the actual review scores you see (and are judged on for purposes of minimum score) are the independent reviewers who aren’t being paid.

And that’s why I never trust metacritic.

well i create good games and get crappy scores and not cetrtain sales but rather i want to invest my money not developping good games but paying reviews sites to give me excellent scores and get certain good sales.
i want to follow the way of EA, Microsoft, and many others. lol

well i read the greenhearts blog and found out about the expansion Game Dev Tycoon: Shareholders’ Edition
well really paying review companys should really be in it.

@tempacc005 The Shareholders edition was a April fools by the devs :green_heart:

oops my bad, the idea is cool however.