Overkill added micro-transactions to payday 2

long story short:
there was an update named crimefest and it added some micro-transactions
and now the forums are angry
in other words this is what is happening on the steam forums(payday 2)



what microtransactions

I heard that Payday has 9,999,999 dlcs but microtransactions?
Darn, I wanted to buy this game

It’s a cool picture but you clearly see that all of those rockets are fake.

and in other news i just uninstalled it

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Why? PayDay is a great game, right?

tbh microtransactions put me off immediately. for example, not going to buy ac syndicate cause of em.

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I searched on Wikipedia for ‘microtransaction’ and… I know why you deleted the game now. Payday 2 is a preemium game. You buy the game, and you also need to buy the weapons with real money now.

Good job 505 Games, good feck¡ng job :clap:

Did the devs or publishers give a reason for their decision?

No idea.
I did find this thread though

No, but we all know it
the ching-ching

Winky Kinky B)
This is the Kinky Gangsta

Just 1 other thing to show that green heart games are great company

What, that they didn’t add microtransactions? The game is 6.99, and has no online function outside of a long since abandoned multiplayer mod, and has no loot system or anything that would lend itself to microtransactions working in the first place.

So yes, I agree it’s good that they’re not there, but it’s like praising an innocent bystander for not getting involved in a bar fight, despite being in the next town over. It wasn’t gonna happen either way, so there’s no use applauding it.

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