Other Games? Too short title

So what I noticed a long time ago when I bought this in May, is that when you have a custom console that you never see the games made on their besides your own? I noticed this for games on other platforms that aren’t even yours, but it would be cool to see some of the names of those. I know it would take a bit of time, but wouldn’t it be cool to see other developers games on your own console and earn money for it?


Yeah! I would, like, you know, love to see this implemented, like, in the game and all. And it’s, like, will be totally, like, amazing!

Like, like? I like?

I know, like, right?

like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like Cool.

Sandwich, Pruff, Wave, me, Wave, Pruff

That’s the biggest flaw of GDT I think, it totally lacks a market outside of your actions. Gamebiz is better in this regard, there you have yearly top 100 lists of all game releases (with historically realistic game names in GB3), per platform, and platforms even sell better when good games are released on them.


What always confused me is that you can’t develop a game for your console until it’s on store shelves, and yet people buy it as soon as it goes on sale. Why would anyone buy a console with literally no games? It’d be great if we could spend the time in which the console is being built developing launch titles for it. The option of bundling a game or two with it would also be fantastic.

What I also don’t get is how an exclusive game can outsell the console it’s on. Custom console sells 6 million units, exclusive game sells 18 million copies. What? Did everyone buy 3 just for the heck of it?

I think we should be able to sell licenses and dev kits to other publishers, and see a list of published games (with pre-set or procedurally generated titles). And of course, the ability to develop launch titles and bundle games with the console. The custom console system would be a lot better with those additions.

I wonder how much GHG actually intends to change, though? I think they’re just doing bug fixes now.


Re games selling more than the consoles do. I have more than a dozen games in my Steam library that i have purchased for the second time.

Games that i have bought twice;
Age of Empires III
Age of Wonders
Age of Wonders II
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Baldurs Gate
Children of the Nile (Sierra’s Pharaoh Remade)
Deus Ex
Dragon Age Origins
Fallout 3
Might and Magic VI
Might and Magic X
Civilization III
System Shock II

As more of my old favorites become available on Steam I will purchase them again, like Baldurs Gate II (yay cant wait!). I much prefer having them on Steam and then i throw my old disk versions away or give them to friends.
I am a PC only gamer because i love my graphics cards. If i had a console as well, that would mean 3 purchases for some games.
So in summary, I find it logical because i am sure i am not the only one who has bought at least 2 copies of some games

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I, my self, have purchased The Godfather three separate times, but each time on a different console. PS2, Xbox, and PS3. I’ve re-purchased a few old Playstation games on Playstation Network.

But how many people buy a recently released game on disc and then turn around and buy a downloadable copy? That appears to be what’s happening in GDT.

Or perhaps the custom console restricts downloads so that each user has to purchase a copy, so a three person household with one console would need three copies of the game for everyone to play.

I still think it’d be more realistic if, instead of outselling the console, each sale of a game above the console’s sales would guarantee another console sale. If the game is so good that everyone has to have it, the console it uses exclusively will sell as well.

That said, the primary focus is making games. Custom consoles are just extra, anyway. A hypothetical Console Tycoon would be more complex and intuitive, but Game Dev Tycoon’s console system doesn’t need to overshadow game development.

This post strayed away from its original idea…

Sorry >//>

You played that game? AWESOME!!! I absolutely love that series!

Yea AoE has always been an awesome series, lvl 33 home city atm! :smile: (sorry for the OT)

This topic went straight into the off-topic hole.

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Second time. Haha