Official Mod Code Error Thread - For Mod Authors

You need to make legalIssues a global variable.

Oh, thats right. (That just means taking away the ‘var’ if I recall correctly?

I just read your code and found out that you don’t need to make a global variable (unless you moved GDT.addEvent(legalIssues); or the event code to another function.

I also realized that “unexpected identifier” means code typo, so something’s probably wrong with the line above the one you get an error on.


Hey, I’m new to modding games and, when I test my first mod, this error appears:

Error Uncaught error. Please report this to Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘click’ (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Game%20Dev%20Tycoon/compressed/codeNw.js:153) Please restart the game.

Enabled Mods: [“gdt-modAPI”,“UltimateLib”,“CheatMod-kristof1104”,“38ab27c7-8a04-4aef-8788-44b8ef21b493”]

The code.js of this mod is:

And, with other part of the mod, appers this message:

Error Uncaught error. Please report this to Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘experience’ of null (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Game%20Dev%20Tycoon/compressed/codeNw.js:1676) Please restart the game.

Enabled Mods: [“gdt-modAPI”,“UltimateLib”,“CheatMod-kristof1104”,“2ba58bcf-c7c0-44b9-865b-ae69d7629ac3”]

The code.js of this part is:

Other question: How I make a research can only be unlocked by unlocking a research I created? 'Cause I tried and the only way is if the research already in the original game…

Last question: How I make a R&D Research add a research to a game (like 3D Graphics V7)? And how I make a research can be added to the console i’ll make?

Alright, I know this might not be an error but:

How can you open a HTML window inside the game? Would simplify my UI a little bit. :stuck_out_tongue: