No Game Dev Tycoon RP anymore?

I love that kind of thing =.=


No Roleplays are allowed on this forum anymore.



We still have Plethora forum, right?



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I know this is an old thread, but I was considering setting up a text plues community for gdt, I thought I would post it here, and see if there’s any reponses

In this forum, how exactly do you define a role play? Because I might be able to help you, albeit I may have misunderstood.

I am not planning on doing it, on doing it in this forum, as I said I was thinking about doing it in a text plus community

Can you just answer my question? Because like I said, I might be able to help you.

11 Monts necro

GG, well played :clap:

I know the best role playing forum, evar.

what bro

RP = RolePlay :sunglasses:


i get it!

which forum?