No Fullscreen on Macbook Pro Retina 15" running 10.8.3

Hello there.

I just bought this wonderful game and I seem to be unable to run it in fullscreen. I did try to search the forum if there is a known bug,. I am not describing toggling between full screen and windowed mode. Overall full screen only fills up a quarter of the top left side of my screen. Switching into a window mode does not resize properly. Please let me know what debug information I can send you.

Hey @dmalloc,

We are aware of the retina display issue. It is one of our top reported bugs and are working hard to get a fix out for it. I don’t have an ETA for the fixes arrival, however, we will be sure to post about it on here when it is ready to go.

~ Tyler

Thank you very much. Please note that I am not running my laptop in Retina resolution. I am running the Macbook Pro in its highest resolution possible so basically Scaled for more space. If that makes a difference. Feel free to use e as test guy.

You can try the fix posted in the common problems thread: