New Hacking Game Need Devs&Artists

Hi My name is josh i currently started a project in visual basic on visual studio i need 1 grapics person and 1 dev to help me if your intrested please reply to this topic

visual studio 2010? , If so I’ve been learning C++ off of that :smiley:

What is this game about?

This game is about a hacking group who accepts contacts of people there will be quite off lot of then but in the process you have your own virtual hacking os where you can customise it and will lead to new versions of it later in the game you will not only be doing contracts you will can have a set of skills where if you spelise in one skill you will find harder contract to do with that skill there will be a storyline yesterday I started the project it’s very basic atm

hi C++ is a great language and I will learning that very shortly but this is programmed in visual basic
Also if I would you I would get Visual studio 2013 community it’s free and great

What if a Linux developer wants to help you? :stuck_out_tongue: Would he just have to use vim with GCC compiler?

well as you can see here this is visual studio if vim has a toolbox like visual studio also it has to be compatibilite with visual studio

Yes pls.