New Features/mods

Hi. I am a wide gamer and I know a lot things about gaming. Well, I have some ideas that maybe had already been posted, but I found them interesting. Well.

  1. Trailer
    a. With gameplay.
    b. Cinematics
    c. Cutscenes.
    d. First View

This sould be before the release of the game and each one to cost different

  1. Demos.

3.Having more headquarters.

  1. Lots of critics and pointed marks, like 8.5/9.9

  2. Breaks, like parties, holiday, strikes.

  3. Release Date of the game.

  4. Website of the game.

  5. Co-Working with other developpers.

  6. Pre release critics.

  7. Wikipedia of games.

I had much more ideas, but many I forgot. I hope you like them and give me your opinions.

Yes please.

-All Games